Welcome To Our Blog

I don’t know about you, but starting something new during historic protests in the midst of a deadly virus that has claimed over 110,000 American lives and countless more globally seems well-- an excitedly daunting task. As a new mom, change feels like the “status quo” these days, but taking a risk to branch out as an artist carries a much different weight than parenting surprisingly-ha!

Navigating an artistic existence when we are mostly confined to our homes is hard. And now… a blog? I’d have to admit I’m questioning my ability to communicate effectively as you read right now! Since finishing school last spring I haven’t done much writing,  unless I’m writing long emails to students who’ve ghosted my classes once remote learning took place, but I’ll save that discussion for another date-haha!

Starting something new should bring us some level of joy right? Ok, looking at this realistically, my current thoughts are somewhere between “ I have a baby at home, I have to stay home, I have to work from home, I have to workout at home (ugh--working out).” It makes one wonder, do I even have time to do this? Which makes this venture exciting for me because there is a level of unknown. However, just as I start to feel good with my decision that wave of doubt comes crashing in: “ I have a baby at home, I have to stay home, I have to work from home, I have to workout at home (oh yea--working out).” Sound familiar? And of course let’s not forget old classics like “ What will I even write about?” and “ Is anyone even going to like this?” Because what is a new project without the usual barrage of self defeating questions that give most artists pause for concern; but hey at least this blog will be different right? (I’d try to imagine that with at least 5 i’s, something like riiiiight) Honestly, that will be for you to decide, and yes I realize I could tell you, “It’s different, trust me!” but you may not feel that way, which would make me a liar and I really don’t want to be a liar. 

So what can I tell you about this new venture? For one, you can expect to gain a more personal connection with NorthStar, you’ll get opinions on a wide range of topics, academia, and dare I say, even some judgement (perhaps sprinkled with a splash of petty, I promise) Point is, you’ll get the “human, authentic” side of NorthStar Duo: all the personality, quirks, and magic (yes we are magical) that we don’t always get to bring to the stage; because this is not only a new venture for us, but for you as well and we want to honor your readership with the best parts of who we are and what we stand for.

~Seychelle Corbin

Seychelle Dunn